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Aberdine Area Rug

  • $ 22238

A series of striking designs that effortlessly embody current trend. Machine made in 100% polypropylene, with patterns ranging from classic to geometric to floral, each of these perfect pieces embody a hint of vibrant decor while simultaneously maintaining sophistication.

  • 100% Polypropylene
  • Machine Woven
  • Medium Pile
  • Thickness: 0.39"
  • Colors: Aqua, Teal, Olive, Ivory, Charcoal, Medium Gray
  • TPX: 15-4717, 18-4522, 16-0532, 13-0002, 18-0503, 16-4402
  • Made in Turkey


Please Note:

The digital images we display have the most accurate color possible. However, due to differences in computer monitors, we cannot be responsible for variations in color between the actual product and your screen. Please be advised that in some cases patterns and colors may vary according to size. You may try this product for 30 days. If you decide not to keep it, you are responsible for return shipping charges.

Note on Sizes:

Some handcrafted rugs may vary in size plus or minus 3 inches from the stated dimensions. This is not a manufacturer defect but a common characteristic of the way handmade rugs are individually woven.

What Is a Polypropylene Rug?

Polypropylene rugs (also known as olefin rugs) are designed to look like sisal, but they are actually made from synthetic fibers.

Polypropylene — the main ingredient in the rug — is simply a polymer created from monomer propylene and is frequently used in packaging, labels, textiles, and reusable containers. Considering how widely polypropylene is used, odds are you already have plenty of it in use at your home.

These polypropylene fibers are specifically made to look exactly like wool, sisal, and other common rug fibers. Once made, these fibers are machine woven into unique rugs that look exactly like the real deal but come with the added benefits of being man-made. For example, polypropylene rugs are carefully designed for superior comfort and resilience, making them versatile rugs that can find a home in both the indoors and outdoors.

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